Scott's Custom Paints


Custom iRacing Paints by Scott Elston. Hello I am Scott, some of you may know me as Hellrazer8504. I love to paint cars for iRacing. I truly enjoy painting the dirt cars, but also work on oval stock cars, and have dabbled into the road cars.... I mainly do custom paint schemes for other league members and friends. I wanted to expand into doing this on a more professional level. I hope to make your next car a master piece!!! Check out some of his paints in his portfolio in our RevSimShop Discord!

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Custom iRacing Paints by Scott Elston. Hello I am Scott, some of you may know me as Hellrazer8504. I love to paint cars for iRacing. I truly enjoy painting the dirt cars, but also work on oval stock cars, and have dabbled into the road cars.... I mainly do custom paint schemes for other league members and friends. I wanted to expand into doing this on a more professional level. I hope to make your next car a master piece!!! Check out some of his paints in his portfolio in our RevSimShop Discord!

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Custom iRacing Paints by Scott Elston. Hello I am Scott, some of you may know me as Hellrazer8504. I love to paint cars for iRacing. I truly enjoy painting the dirt cars, but also work on oval stock cars, and have dabbled into the road cars.... I mainly do custom paint schemes for other league members and friends. I wanted to expand into doing this on a more professional level. I hope to make your next car a master piece!!! Check out some of his paints in his portfolio in our RevSimShop Discord!